Consumer Information

Find a Septic Professional

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Click Here to find a POWTS Certified Evaluator

Facts About Your Septic System

A septic system is a wastewater recycling system that uses the soil to treat wastewater before returning it to the groundwater basin. Septic systems must be cared for properly to operate efficiently and in an environmentally sound manner. WOWRA has put together the "Septic System Information, Operation, and Management Pamphlet for Homeowners" to teach you about your septic system. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has also developed a publication, "A Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems".

Safety First!

  • Never physically enter a septic tank or other parts of the treatment system. 
  • Keep access areas locked at all times to prevent unauthorized entry.

10 Reasons to Use a WOWRA-Certified Private Onsite Water Treatment System Evaluator:

  1. They are highly trained individuals who have demonstrated a knowledge of the proper techniques for evaluating the condition of a septic system.
  2. Septic systems are complex and require specialized training to properly evaluate.
  3. Septic systems are expensive to replace and can cost more than $10,000.
  4. The state of Wisconsin does not regulate time-of-sale septic evaluations.
  5. The state of Wisconsin has not established procedures or criteria for conducting time-of-sale septic evaluations.
  6. A WOWRA-certified evaluator cares enough about their profession and customers to seek out additional training.
  7. Peace of mind for homeowners.
  8. Thoroughness and uniformity not found in other system evaluations.
  9. WOWRA-certified POWTS evaluators work with a comprehensive checklist that will both inform and educate the customer.
  10. An unsurpassed evaluation SYSTEM designed by the experts

Wisconsin Fund Grant Program

The Wisconsin Fund is a program that provides grants to homeowners and small commercial businesses to help offset some of the cost for the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing failing septic systems. Eligibility is is based on several criteria, including household income and age of the system. Only 66 of Wisconsin's counties, the City of Franklin, and the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin participate in the program. 

For more information on how to apply Click here

USDA 504 Home Repair Loan and Grant Programs

The US Department of Agriculture - Rural Development can help fund repairs, improvements or modernization of a home by addressing accessibility needs, enhancing safety and sanitary conditions, and removing health hazards. The loan does not require a down payment.

Click here for more information